Web cameras

The department provides live webcam views at some coastal locations as a service to people interested in undertaking recreational boating activities.

Current cameras are positioned in gulf waters at Outer Harbor, North Haven, West Beach, O'Sullivan Beach, EdithburghPort Hughes, Wirrina Cove and St Kilda. Access to the Lake Bonney and Murray River in Berri webcams is managed by the Berri Barmera Council.

The Port Hughes webcam is powered by solar and at times may experience dropouts.

Cameras provide recreational boaters with an indication of prevailing weather conditions only. Before heading out, make sure you check the weather forecast and your safety equipment.

Disclaimer: The live images are provided by the department and should be used as a guide only. 'Live' images may not be transmitted by the department if the webcams are being serviced or inoperable as a consequence of a power failure or network issue. In these cases a 'Camera Offline' message may be displayed until any issues are resolved.

Is your safety equipment ship-safe for boating?