DIT SA Recreational Boating Safety Survey 2024 Competition Terms and Conditions

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport (‘DIT’) (of the Government of South Australia) is the promotor of this Competition.

This Competition commences at 12:00 pm, Friday 2 August 2024 and closes at 5:00 pm, Friday 6 September 2024 (‘Promotional Period’).

Any person who completes the ‘DIT SA Recreational Boating Safety Survey 2024’ available via the Marine Safety SA website (www.marinesafety.sa.gov.au) and YourSAy website (www.yoursay.sa.gov.au), and provides their email address in the promotional period, will be in the running to win one of five lifejackets. One winner will be drawn each week during the promotional period. The winner of a draw will not be entered into or eligible to win in subsequent draws. Lifejackets are valued at approximately $120 each. Total prize pool is valued at approximately $600.00. The prize cannot be taken in cash.

Entry into this Competition will be taken as acceptance by the Competition participant of these Terms and Conditions.

Entry to this Competition is limited to one entry per person, at no cost (free).

To be eligible for the prize, a valid email address must be provided to enable DIT to notify the winner, and entries must be received during the Promotional Period. DIT will not accept late, lost, or misdirected entries.

The winning entries will be chosen by a random draw in a manner determined by DIT’s sole discretion. DIT’s decision is final and binding, no correspondence will be entered into.

The winning participant of this Competition will be notified with instructions on how to claim the prize. The winner will be required to provide their postal address for the prize to be sent to them via post. Alternatively, the winner may arrange to collect the prize, in person, during business hours from DIT's Regency Park office at 13 Kateena Street, Regency Park, South Australia.

The prize must be claimed within 30 days of the winner being notified. If the winner's mailing details are not provided, or the prize is not collected within 30 days, the prize will be deemed forfeited.

DIT, or other South Australian Government departments, accept no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from the prize winnings.

The Competition's winning participant's entry may be used for promotional purposes on the Marine Safety SA website, Marine Safety SA newsletter, social media and any other purpose wanted by the South Australian Government.

DIT shall not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss), damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (including, but not limited to, that arising from any person's negligence) in connection with this Competition, except any liability that cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).

DIT reserves the right to verify the validity of entries and to disqualify any Competition participant for tampering with the entry process, submitting an entry which is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, or engaging in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of this Competition. DIT’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation from such an offender are reserved.

DIT reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend this Competition at any time.

The Competition participants hereby grant the South Australian Government: nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, assignable, worldwide, transferable, royalty-free licences to reproduce, modify, distribute, publicly display, broadcast, publish and use the Competition participant’s entry without any restrictions.

Under conditions of the South Australian Public Sector Code of Ethics, DIT employees and other South Australian Government employees can enter the Competition, but they and their immediate families are ineligible to win the prize.