National Safe Boating Week

Monday, 28 September 2020

South Australians are being urged to put safety first when they’re out on the sea, the river or a lake as part of National Safe Boating Week from 26 September – 2 October.

This week is National Safe Boating Week – a week dedicated to raising awareness of safe boating behaviours across Australia.

If you love your boating, you’ll understand the importance of preparation, safety and responsibility. Live it this National Safe Boating Week by following these seven simple steps before you set off:

  1. Know it
    Safe boating means knowing the limits of your vessel. Before you go, make sure your boat is seaworthy and appropriate for your chosen activity.
  2. Service it Safe boating means being a responsible boat owner. Boats need regular maintenance, servicing and safety checks to keep them ship-shape.
  3. Pack it Safe boating means carrying the right safety equipment. You’ll need different items depending on your vessel type and whether you’re in open or enclosed waters.
  4. Check it Safe boating means assessing the weather and choosing a suitable time and place to go out. Conditions can change quickly, so don’t hesitate to head back in. If in doubt, don’t go out.
  5. Plan it
    Safe boating means planning your trip and telling an emergency contact where you’re headed and what time you’ll be back. Where possible, log on and off with Marine Rescue.
  6. Learn it Safe boating means knowing the rules and laws that keep all of us safe. Remember, boating safety is a responsibility we all share as waterway users.
  7. Wear it Safe boating means wearing a life jacket, the most important piece of safety equipment on any recreational vessel. Which lifejacket is right for you? Find out here.

Marine safety officers will be out and about this week. If you see them at your local boat ramp, stop by to say hello and ask any questions about boating safety.

For more information about National Safe Boating Week visit On Deck.