Notice to Mariners No 13 of 2020

Thursday, 19 March 2020



Former Notices Nos. 16 and 21 of 2010, Nos. 3, 3A and 8 of 2019

Mariners are advised that following the completion of the dredging/widening of the 14.2m Channel at Port Adelaide as referred to in the previous Notices, the following Lead Beacons and Channel Markers have amended approximate WGS84 positions:

Beacon/Lead                                                        Volume Q              Latitude                                 Longitude

No.1 Outward Rear Lead                                      2053.1                   34° 46’ 41.65” S                   138° 21’ 27.47” E

No.1 Outward Front Lead                                     2053                       34° 46’ 43.87” S                   138° 21’ 40.95” E

No.1                                                                      2055.03                  34° 46’ 59.69” S                   138° 22’ 56.04” E

No.5                                                                      2055.1                    34° 47’ 15.25” S                   138° 24’ 30.79” E

No.9                                                                      2055.4                    34° 47’ 27.00” S                   138° 25’ 42.39” E

No.2 Outward Rear Lead                                      2055.61                  34° 47’ 39.25” S                   138° 26’ 15.29” E

No.11 (No.2 Outward Front Lead)                        2055.6                    34° 47’ 35.86” S                   138° 26’ 34.11” E

No.13 (No.1 Inward Front Lead)                           2055.8                    34° 47’ 35.50” S                   138° 26’ 55.41” E

No.1 Inward Rear/No.3 Outward Rear                 2055.81                  34° 47’ 37.99” S                   138° 27’ 10.60” E

No.15 (No.3 Outward Front Lead)                        2055.82                  34° 47’ 29.48” S                   138° 27’ 28.77” E

No.2 Inward Front Lead                                        2057                       34° 47’ 20.76” S                   138° 27’ 57.77” E

No.2 Inward Rear/No.4 Outward Rear                 2057.1                    34° 47’ 16.48” S                   138° 28’ 21.44” E

No.17 (No.4 Outward Front Lead)                       2059.4                    34° 47’ 04.95” S                   138° 28’ 29.52” E

*No.3 Inward Front Lead (on breakwater)           2058                       34° 46’ 52.88” S *                 138° 28’ 46.92” E *

*No.3 Inward Rear Lead (on land)                      2058.1                    34° 46’ 49.55” S *                    138° 28’ 54.02” E *

No.14                                                                  2059.5                    34° 46’ 45.28” S                   138° 28’ 38.53” E

No.18                                                                  2059.55                  34° 46’ 16.42” S                   138° 28’ 58.73” E

No.18B                                                                2059.61                 34° 46’ 03.34” S                   138° 29’ 01.49” E

No.18C                                                                2059.7                   34° 45’ 56.51” S                   138° 29’ 05.89” E

No.4 Inward Front Lead                                      2059                      34° 45’ 53.40” S                   138° 29’ 19.60” E

No.4 Inward Rear Lead                                      2059.1                   34° 45’ 34.99” S                   138° 29’ 32.49” E

Note: * indicates approximate proposed position only. These two Lead Beacons are still in their original positions and will be relocated within 6 weeks of this Notice.

The light characteristics of all beacons have not changed.

The No.3 and No.7 Beacons will not be replaced, instead Virtual Aids to Navigation have been placed at the following positions:

No.3                                    2055.05                      34° 47’ 08.76” S        138° 23’ 51.24” E

No.7                                    2055.2                        34° 47’ 22.08” S        138° 25’ 12.39” E

In addition, Virtual Aids to Navigation have also been placed at the Entrance and No.5 Beacons:

Entrance                    2055.01                      34° 46’ 48.90” S        138° 22’ 31.74” E

No.5                            2055.1                       34° 47’ 15.25” S        138° 24’ 30.79” E

Charts affected:                    Aus 130, Aus 137, Aus138 and Aus781

Publications affected:         Australian Pilot Volume 1 (Fifth Edition, 2017) pages 401 to 407

Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals Volume Q 2020/21 Edition - Nos. 2053, 2053.1, 2055.01, 2055.03, 2055.05, 2055.1, 2055.2, 2055.4, 2055.6, 2055.61, 2055.8, 2055.81, 2055.82, 2057, 2057.1, 2058, 2058.1, 2059, 2059.1, 2059.4, 2059.5, 2059.55, 2059.61 and 2059.7


Manager Marine Safety and Compliance

Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

19 March 2020

FP 2012/0105

DPTI 2017/02277/01