Notice to Mariners No 4 of 2019

Friday, 11 January 2019

South Australia - Gulf St Vincent - Approaches to Thevenard - Recommended Track

Mariners are advised that an additional Recommended Track has been approved between the Thevenard maintained channel and the Yatala Channel.

The position of this Track, which is not based on fixed marks, is along a line 53⁰ - 233⁰ True between approximate GDA94 coordinates 32⁰11’23.7”S, 133⁰35’29.1”E and 32⁰12’17.1”S, 133⁰34’05.8”E.

Navy Charts affected:    Aus 120 and Aus 122.

Publication affected:      Australian Pilot Volume 1 (Fifth Edition 2017) pages 352 & 353

Adelaide, 11 January 2019


Manager Maritime Safety

Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

FP 2012/0105

DPTI 2017/02277/01