Notice to Mariners No 29 of 2018
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
South Australia - Gulf St Vincent / Spencer Gulf - Restricted Zones
Former Notice No.18 of 2017
The general public and mariners in particular are reminded that maritime security zones have been established under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 within the boundaries of the security regulated ports of Port Adelaide, Port Giles, Wallaroo, Port Pirie, Port Lincoln and Thevenard.
These include water-side restricted zones at and around commercial shipping berths and jetties, and may include ship security zones around commercial ships. Access to the zones is controlled and any unauthorised entry into the zones is prohibited and is an offence under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003; penalties apply.
The water-side restricted zones are clearly marked with land-based signage and mariners are advised to exercise caution and maintain a clearance distance of 50 metres from the wharf or jetty face at all times. Details/maps of the boundaries of the established zones can be found at
Persons must display a valid Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC) while within the zones.
The unauthorised possession of weapons or prohibited items within the zones is prohibited and is an offence under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003; penalties apply.
Adelaide, 02 October 2018
Manager Marine Operations
Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
DPTI 2017/02277/01