Check, clean, dry - protect our abalone and marine environments
Friday, 21 March 2025
There is currently an abalone viral ganglioneuritis (AVG) outbreak in the south-east of South Australia.
In response, the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA):
- has implemented restrictions on taking abalone between the Murray Mouth to the Victorian border
- is urging water users to Check, Clean and Dry all marine equipment to stop the spread.
About the AVG outbreak
Photo of diseased abalone, provided by PIRSA.
AVG is a virus specific to abalone that affects their nervous system. The virus causes weakness and, eventually, death.
The virus was detected in wild abalone at Port MacDonnell in February 2024. Since then, the virus has spread throughout the Southern Zone Abalone Fishery. The Southern Zone extends from the Murray Mouth to the Victorian border.
Preliminary results from recent surveys show losses of up to 96% of abalone stock in some areas.
Abalone take restrictions
No one is allowed to take any abalone (commercial or recreational) in waters from the Southern Zone (Murray Mouth to the Victorian border).
This restriction aims to provide depleted stocks an opportunity to rebuild as quickly as possible.
Your biosecurity responsibilities
Water users in the Southern Zone must follow biosecurity instructions if moving to other waters. This will help prevent any further spread.
We strongly urge all water users in other areas of our state to practise these biosecurity measures to prevent spreading the virus.
- Check all vessels and fishing, diving and surfing equipment.
- Remove any water, sand or seaweed.
- Clean boats at home or at a commercial car wash.
- Wash wetsuits, fishing and diving equipment with detergent and fresh water.
- Decontaminate anything that has touched the seabed, such as anchors.
- Dry all boating, fishing and diving equipment completely, preferably in the sun. Do this before heading out into the water again.
Learn more
Visit PIRSA’s website for more information about AVG and the Southern Zone area.