River Murray flood update: Kingston Road, Taylorville Road and Mannum downstream ferry

Friday, 9 December 2022

With River Murray water levels continuing to rise, additional road and ferry closures are expected within the coming days, including Kingston Road and the Mannum downstream ferry.

Kingston Road

Kingston Road at Moorook is now closed to heavy vehicles greater than 15 tonnes, to limit damage to the road surface and allow it to remain open to other traffic for as long as possible.

Signage has been installed to advise these vehicles of the detour route, which is via Stott Highway and Hunter Road, to return to Sturt Highway near Blanchetown.

While the Department is endeavouring to keep Kingston Road open as long as it is safe to do, this road is expected to need to be closed to all traffic by mid-next week.

Taylorville Road

A section of Taylorville Road, adjacent Ross Lagoon and north of the Waikerie ferry, is being closely monitored and may need to close as soon as this weekend.

When this road closes, a detour via Goyder Highway and Devlins Pound Road will be in place to enable the Waikerie Ferry to remain operational for light vehicles.

With services running on the high-ramp, the Waikerie ferry is expected to remain operational over the coming weeks until potentially impacted by rising river levels.

Staff are continuing to undertake regular assessments of low-lying roads in the region and we continue to monitor current and predicted flood levels.

For the latest information on road closures and detours please visit www.traffic.sa.gov.au

River Murray ferries

Mannum downstream ferry will be closed from 11pm this Sunday night (11 December) due to rising water levels. The ferry is expected to remain closed while water flows remain above approximately 130 GL/day.

Current alternative river crossings for the Mannum ferry are Purnong and Walker Flat ferries (upstream) and the Murray Bridge (downstream).

Walker Flat and Purnong ferries anticipated to be closed mid-next week as water levels continue to travel down the river.

As much notice as possible will be given of these closures, with detours in place to allow alternative travel options for locals across the region and to continue the transportation of essential supplies.

A reminder that Swan Reach, Morgan, Lyrup and Mannum Upstream ferries are already closed due to high water levels.

To find the status of all River Murray ferries, including alternative crossings, as well as latest information and advice during River Murray floods, visit www.sa.gov.au/floods.

Paringa Bridge vessel lifting span

The Department is investigating an alternative power supply to continue to operate the lifting span underneath the Paringa Bridge to mitigate the safety risk of rising water levels impacting the electrical mechanism, to ensure larger vessels can travel under the bridge.

Engineering teams are currently exploring all options to keep the lift in operation.

With water levels continuing to rise, general clearance under the bridge is currently approximately 2 metres. This also means smaller boats will not be able to travel under the bridge and should operate with caution near and around the Paringa Bridge.

River-users are reminded that during rising water levels and flooding, contaminants and debris can often become submerged and create risks additional risks for those operating vessels and in the water.

Please do not to swim, ride, walk or drive in high flow waterways.

River-users are reminded that restrictions on boating and aquatic activities apply along the River Murray.

For the latest marine safety advice, including current restrictions in place, please head to www.marinesafety.sa.gov.au/river-murray-high-flows-2022-marine-safety-advice.

Moving unregistered vehicles

If you need to move an unregistered vehicle due to rising water levels or flooding, you can apply for an unregistered vehicle permit using your mySAGOV account at www.sa.gov.au/topics/driving-and-transport/registration/conditional-registration/unregistered-vehicle-permits.

If you do not have a mySAGOV account or would prefer to speak to a customer service representative, please call 1300 321 989 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

More information

For the latest information on road closures and detours please visit www.traffic.sa.gov.au

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will continue provide updates via Facebook and Twitter, including details of any road closures (including ferry closures), detours and safety advice.

For more on River Murray high flows, please visit the State Government’s dedicated website at www.sa.gov.au/floods.